Kunming Medical University

Kunming Medical University 2021 Admission Programs for international students

Kunming Medical University 2021 Admission Programs for international students 
No. Category Major Medium Duration Fee
1 Doctor's Degree 临床医学 Clinical Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 45000
2 Doctor's Degree 医学检验 Medical Laboratory Tests and Analyses Chinese/English 3.0 45000
3 Doctor's Degree 急诊医学 Emergency Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 45000
4 Doctor's Degree 麻醉学 Anaesthesiology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
5 Doctor's Degree 运动医学 Sports Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 45000
6 Doctor's Degree 康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy Chinese/English 3.0 45000
7 Doctor's Degree 肿瘤学 Oncology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
8 Doctor's Degree 耳鼻咽喉科学 Otorhinolaryngology (ear-nose-throat medicine) Chinese/English 3.0 45000
9 Doctor's Degree 眼科学 Ophthalmology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
10 Doctor's Degree 妇产科学 Gynaecology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
11 Doctor's Degree 外科学 Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 45000
12 Doctor's Degree 临床检验诊断学 Clinical Diagnostics Chinese/English 3.0 45000
13 Doctor's Degree 影像医学与核医学 Medicine Image Science and Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 45000
14 Doctor's Degree 皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
15 Doctor's Degree 精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Psychohygiene Chinese/English 3.0 45000
16 Doctor's Degree 神经病学 Neurology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
17 Doctor's Degree 老年医学 Geratology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
18 Doctor's Degree 儿科学 Paediatrics Chinese/English 3.0 45000
19 Doctor's Degree 内科学 Internal Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 45000
20 Doctor's Degree 人体解剖学 Anatomy Chinese/English 3.0 45000
21 Doctor's Degree 组织与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
22 Doctor's Degree 病理解剖与病理生理学 Pathologic Anatomy and Pathophysiology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
23 Doctor's Degree 心血管病 Angiocardiopathy Chinese/English 3.0 45000
24 Doctor's Degree 内分泌与代谢病 Endocrinopathy & Metabolic Disease Chinese/English 3.0 45000
25 Doctor's Degree 血液病 Hemopathy Chinese/English 3.0 45000
26 Doctor's Degree 传染病 Infectious Disease Chinese/English 3.0 45000
27 Doctor's Degree 医学检验学 Medical Laboratory Science Chinese/English 3.0 45000
28 Doctor's Degree 核医学 Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 45000
29 Doctor's Degree 矫形外科 Orthopedic Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 45000
30 Doctor's Degree 整形外科 Plastic Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 45000
31 Doctor's Degree 精神病学 Psychiatry Chinese/English 3.0 45000
32 Doctor's Degree 放射治疗学 Radiotherapy Chinese/English 3.0 45000
33 Doctor's Degree 生殖医学 Reproductive Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 45000
34 Doctor's Degree 呼吸系病 Respiratory Disease Chinese/English 3.0 45000
35 Doctor's Degree 移植科学与工程学 Transplant Science and Engineering Chinese/English 3.0 45000
36 Doctor's Degree 泌尿外科 Urinary Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 45000
37 Doctor's Degree 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology & Pathophysiology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
38 Doctor's Degree 病原生物学 Pathogenic Biology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
39 Doctor's Degree 法医学 Medical Jurisprudence Chinese/English 3.0 45000
40 Doctor's Degree 基础医学 Basic Medical Sciences Chinese/English 3.0 45000
41 Doctor's Degree 临床病理学 Clinical Pathology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
42 Doctor's Degree 免疫学 Medical Immunology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
43 Doctor's Degree 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy Histology & Embryology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
44 Doctor's Degree 生药学 Pharmacognosy Chinese/English 3.0 45000
45 Doctor's Degree 药剂学 Pharmaceutics Chinese/English 3.0 45000
46 Doctor's Degree 药理学 Pharmacology Chinese/English 3.0 45000
47 Doctor's Degree 药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis Chinese/English 3.0 45000
48 Doctor's Degree 药物化学 Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry Chinese/English 3.0 45000
49 Doctor's Degree 药学 Pharmacy Chinese/English 3.0 45000
50 Master's Degree 生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecule Biology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
51 Master's Degree 神经生物学 Neurobiology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
52 Master's Degree 生理学 Physiology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
53 Master's Degree 临床医学 Clinical Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
54 Master's Degree 医学检验 Medical Laboratory Tests and Analyses Chinese/English 3.0 40000
55 Master's Degree 急诊医学 Emergency Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
56 Master's Degree 麻醉学 Anaesthesiology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
57 Master's Degree 运动医学 Sports Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
58 Master's Degree 康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
59 Master's Degree 肿瘤学 Oncology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
60 Master's Degree 耳鼻咽喉科学 Otorhinolaryngology (ear-nose-throat medicine) Chinese/English 3.0 40000
61 Master's Degree 眼科学 Ophthalmology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
62 Master's Degree 妇产科学 Gynaecology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
63 Master's Degree 外科学 Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 40000
64 Master's Degree 临床检验诊断学 Clinical Diagnostics Chinese/English 3.0 40000
65 Master's Degree 影像医学与核医学 Medicine Image Science and Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
66 Master's Degree 皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
67 Master's Degree 精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Psychohygiene Chinese/English 3.0 40000
68 Master's Degree 神经病学 Neurology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
69 Master's Degree 老年医学 Geratology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
70 Master's Degree 儿科学 Paediatrics Chinese/English 3.0 40000
71 Master's Degree 内科学 Internal Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
72 Master's Degree 口腔医学 Stomatology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
73 Master's Degree 口腔临床医学 Clinical Stomatology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
74 Master's Degree 口腔基础医学 Introductory Stomatology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
75 Master's Degree 儿少卫生与妇幼保健学 Juvenile Hygienics and Maternal and Child Hygiene Chinese/English 3.0 40000
76 Master's Degree 流行病学 Epidemiology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
77 Master's Degree 食品、药品安全与管理学 Food Drug Safety and Management Chinese/English 3.0 40000
78 Master's Degree 健康与社会行为学 Health and Social Behavior Chinese/English 3.0 40000
79 Master's Degree 营养与卫生学 Nutrition & Food Hygiene Chinese/English 3.0 40000
80 Master's Degree 营养学与食品卫生 Pharmacy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
81 Master's Degree 公共卫生检验学 Public Health Laboratory Chinese/English 3.0 40000
82 Master's Degree 公共卫生 Public Health Chinese/English 3.0 40000
83 Master's Degree 人体解剖学 Anatomy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
84 Master's Degree 组织与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
85 Master's Degree 病理解剖与病理生理学 Pathologic Anatomy and Pathophysiology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
86 Master's Degree 口腔修复学 Prosthodontics Chinese/English 3.0 40000
87 Master's Degree 心血管病 Angiocardiopathy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
88 Master's Degree 内分泌与代谢病 Endocrinopathy & Metabolic Disease Chinese/English 3.0 40000
89 Master's Degree 血液病 Hemopathy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
90 Master's Degree 传染病 Infectious Disease Chinese/English 3.0 40000
91 Master's Degree 医学检验学 Medical Laboratory Science Chinese/English 3.0 40000
92 Master's Degree 核医学 Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
93 Master's Degree 矫形外科 Orthopedic Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 40000
94 Master's Degree 整形外科 Plastic Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 40000
95 Master's Degree 精神病学 Psychiatry Chinese/English 3.0 40000
96 Master's Degree 放射治疗学 Radiotherapy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
97 Master's Degree 生殖医学 Reproductive Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
98 Master's Degree 呼吸系病 Respiratory Disease Chinese/English 3.0 40000
99 Master's Degree 移植科学与工程学 Transplant Science and Engineering Chinese/English 3.0 40000
100 Master's Degree 泌尿外科 Urinary Surgery Chinese/English 3.0 40000
101 Master's Degree 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology & Pathophysiology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
102 Master's Degree 病原生物学 Pathogenic Biology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
103 Master's Degree 少儿卫生与妇幼保健学 Juvenile Hygienics and Maternal and Child Hygiene Chinese/English 3.0 40000
104 Master's Degree 法医学 Medical Jurisprudence Chinese/English 3.0 40000
105 Master's Degree 公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
106 Master's Degree 护理 Nursing Chinese/English 3.0 40000
107 Master's Degree 护理学 Nursing Chinese/English 3.0 40000
108 Master's Degree 基础医学 Basic Medical Sciences Chinese/English 3.0 40000
109 Master's Degree 劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health Chinese/English 3.0 40000
110 Master's Degree 临床病理学 Clinical Pathology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
111 Master's Degree 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics Chinese/English 3.0 40000
112 Master's Degree 免疫学 Medical Immunology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
113 Master's Degree 全科医学 General Medicine Chinese/English 3.0 40000
114 Master's Degree 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy Histology & Embryology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
115 Master's Degree 社会医学与卫生事业管理 Social Medicine and Health Service Management Chinese/English 3.0 40000
116 Master's Degree 生药学 Pharmacognosy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
117 Master's Degree 卫生毒理学 Health Toxicology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
118 Master's Degree 药剂学 Pharmaceutics Chinese/English 3.0 40000
119 Master's Degree 药理学 Pharmacology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
120 Master's Degree 药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis Chinese/English 3.0 40000
121 Master's Degree 药物化学 Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry Chinese/English 3.0 40000
122 Master's Degree 药学 Pharmacy Chinese/English 3.0 40000
123 Master's Degree 医学技术 Medical Technology Chinese/English 3.0 40000
124 Master's Degree 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene Chinese/English 3.0 40000
125 Bachelor's Degree 临床医学 Clinical Medicine English 6.0 35000
126 Bachelor's Degree 口腔医学 Stomatology English 6.0 35000
127 Bachelor's Degree 药学 Pharmacy English 5.0 35000
128 Bachelor's Degree 听力与言语康复学 Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation English 5.0 35000
129 Bachelor's Degree 康复作业治疗 Occupational Therapy of Rehabilitation English 5.0 35000
130 Bachelor's Degree 康复治疗学 Rehabilitation Science English 5.0 35000
131 Bachelor's Degree 康复物理治疗 Physical Therapy of Rehabilitation English 5.0 35000
132 Bachelor's Degree 护理学 Nursing English 5.0 35000
133 Bachelor's Degree 临床医学 Clinical Medicine Chinese 5.0 24000
134 Bachelor's Degree 口腔医学 Stomatology Chinese 5.0 24000
135 Bachelor's Degree 临床药学 Clinical Pharmacy Chinese 5.0 24000
136 Bachelor's Degree 预防医学 Preventive Medicine Chinese 5.0 24000
137 Bachelor's Degree 医学影像学 Medical Imaging Chinese 5.0 24000
138 Bachelor's Degree 听力与言语康复学 Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Chinese 5.0 24000
139 Bachelor's Degree 麻醉学 Anaesthesiology Chinese 5.0 24000
140 Bachelor's Degree 儿科学 Paediatrics Chinese 5.0 24000
141 Bachelor's Degree 法医学 Medical Jurisprudence Chinese 5.0 24000
142 Bachelor's Degree 药学 Pharmacy Chinese 4.0 24000
143 Bachelor's Degree 康复作业治疗 Occupational Therapy of Rehabilitation Chinese 4.0 24000
144 Bachelor's Degree 康复治疗学 Rehabilitation Science Chinese 4.0 24000
145 Bachelor's Degree 康复物理治疗 Physical Therapy of Rehabilitation Chinese 4.0 24000
146 Bachelor's Degree 护理学 Nursing Chinese 4.0 24000
147 Bachelor's Degree 医学影像技术 Medical Imaging Technology Chinese 4.0 24000
148 Bachelor's Degree 医学实验技术 Medical Experimental Technology Chinese 4.0 24000
149 Bachelor's Degree 医学检验技术 Medical Laboratory Technology Chinese 4.0 24000
150 Bachelor's Degree 药物制剂 Pharmaceutical Preparation Chinese 4.0 24000
151 Bachelor's Degree 眼视光医学 Optometry Medicine Chinese 4.0 24000
152 Bachelor's Degree 眼视光学 Optometry Chinese 4.0 24000
153 Bachelor's Degree 信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and Information System Chinese 4.0 24000
154 Bachelor's Degree 卫生检验与检疫 Health Inspection and Quarantine Chinese 4.0 24000
155 Bachelor's Degree 市场营销 Marketing Chinese 4.0 24000
156 Bachelor's Degree 食品卫生与营养学 Food Hygiene and Nutrition Chinese 4.0 24000
157 Bachelor's Degree 社会工作 Social Work Chinese 4.0 24000
158 Bachelor's Degree 劳动与社会保障 Labor and Social Security Chinese 4.0 24000
159 Bachelor's Degree 公共事业管理 Public Service Administration Chinese 4.0 24000
160 Bachelor's Degree 法学 Law Chinese 4.0 24000
161 Senior Scholar 临床医学 Clinical Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
162 Senior Scholar 医学检验 Medical Laboratory Tests and Analyses Chinese/English 1.0  23000
163 Senior Scholar 急诊医学 Emergency Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
164 Senior Scholar 麻醉学 Anaesthesiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
165 Senior Scholar 运动医学 Sports Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
166 Senior Scholar 康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
167 Senior Scholar 肿瘤学 Oncology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
168 Senior Scholar 耳鼻咽喉科学 Otorhinolaryngology (ear-nose-throat medicine) Chinese/English 1.0  23000
169 Senior Scholar 眼科学 Ophthalmology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
170 Senior Scholar 妇产科学 Gynaecology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
171 Senior Scholar 外科学 Surgery Chinese/English 1.0  23000
172 Senior Scholar 临床检验诊断学 Clinical Diagnostics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
173 Senior Scholar 影像医学与核医学 Medicine Image Science and Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
174 Senior Scholar 皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
175 Senior Scholar 精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Psychohygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
176 Senior Scholar 神经病学 Neurology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
177 Senior Scholar 老年医学 Geratology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
178 Senior Scholar 儿科学 Paediatrics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
179 Senior Scholar 内科学 Internal Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
180 Senior Scholar 口腔医学 Stomatology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
181 Senior Scholar 口腔临床医学 Clinical Stomatology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
182 Senior Scholar 口腔基础医学 Introductory Stomatology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
183 Senior Scholar 少儿卫生与妇幼保健学 Juvenile Hygienics and Maternal and Child Hygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
184 Senior Scholar 流行病学 Epidemiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
185 Senior Scholar 食品、药品安全与管理学 Food Drug Safety and Management Chinese/English 1.0  23000
186 Senior Scholar 健康与社会行为学 Health and Social Behavior Chinese/English 1.0  23000
187 Senior Scholar 营养与卫生学 Nutrition & Food Hygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
188 Senior Scholar 营养学与食品卫生 Pharmacy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
189 Senior Scholar 公共卫生检验学 Public Health Laboratory Chinese/English 1.0  23000
190 Senior Scholar 公共卫生 Public Health Chinese/English 1.0  23000
191 Senior Scholar 人体解剖学 Anatomy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
192 Senior Scholar 基础药理学 Basic Pharmacology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
193 Senior Scholar 组织与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
194 Senior Scholar 医学生理学与时间生物学 Medical Physiology and Chronobiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
195 Senior Scholar 病理解剖与病理生理学 Pathologic Anatomy and Pathophysiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
196 Senior Scholar 热带医学 Tropical Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
197 Senior Scholar 口腔修复学 Prosthodontics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
198 Senior Scholar 心血管病 Angiocardiopathy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
199 Senior Scholar 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
200 Senior Scholar 临床口腔 Clinical Stomatology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
201 Senior Scholar 内分泌与代谢病 Endocrinopathy & Metabolic Disease Chinese/English 1.0  23000
202 Senior Scholar 血液病 Hemopathy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
203 Senior Scholar 传染病 Infectious Disease Chinese/English 1.0  23000
204 Senior Scholar 医学检验学 Medical Laboratory Science Chinese/English 1.0  23000
205 Senior Scholar 核医学 Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
206 Senior Scholar 整形 Orthopedic Surgery Chinese/English 1.0  23000
207 Senior Scholar 精神病学 Psychiatry Chinese/English 1.0  23000
208 Senior Scholar 放射治疗学 Radiotherapy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
209 Senior Scholar 生殖医学 Reproductive Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
210 Senior Scholar 呼吸系病 Respiratory Disease Chinese/English 1.0  23000
211 Senior Scholar 临床药物与器械评价科学 Scientific Evaluation of Clinical Drugs and Equipment Chinese/English 1.0  23000
212 Senior Scholar 移植科学与工程学 Transplant Science and Engineering Chinese/English 1.0  23000
213 Senior Scholar 泌尿外科 Urinary Surgery Chinese/English 1.0  23000
214 Senior Scholar 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology & Pathophysiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
215 Senior Scholar 病原生物学 Pathogenic Biology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
216 Senior Scholar 少儿卫生与妇幼保健学 Juvenile Hygienics and Maternal and Child Hygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
217 Senior Scholar 法医学 Medical Jurisprudence Chinese/English 1.0  23000
218 Senior Scholar 公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
219 Senior Scholar 护理 Nursing Chinese/English 1.0  23000
220 Senior Scholar 护理学 Nursing Chinese/English 1.0  23000
221 Senior Scholar 基础医学 Basic Medical Sciences Chinese/English 1.0  23000
222 Senior Scholar 劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health Chinese/English 1.0  23000
223 Senior Scholar 临床病理学 Clinical Pathology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
224 Senior Scholar 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
225 Senior Scholar 免疫学 Medical Immunology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
226 Senior Scholar 民族医学 Ethnomedicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
227 Senior Scholar 全科医学 General Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
228 Senior Scholar 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy Histology & Embryology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
229 Senior Scholar 社会医学与卫生事业管理 Social Medicine and Health Service Management Chinese/English 1.0  23000
230 Senior Scholar 生药学 Pharmacognosy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
231 Senior Scholar 卫生毒理学 Health Toxicology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
232 Senior Scholar 药剂学 Pharmaceutics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
233 Senior Scholar 药理学 Pharmacology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
234 Senior Scholar 药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis Chinese/English 1.0  23000
235 Senior Scholar 药物化学 Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry Chinese/English 1.0  23000
236 Senior Scholar 药学 Pharmacy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
237 Senior Scholar 医学技术 Medical Technology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
238 Senior Scholar 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
239 Senior Scholar 针灸推拿学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Chinese/English 1.0  23000
240 Senior Scholar 中西医结合临床 Clinics of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
241 General Scholar 临床医学 Clinical Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
242 General Scholar 医学检验 Medical Laboratory Tests and Analyses Chinese/English 1.0  23000
243 General Scholar 急诊医学 Emergency Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
244 General Scholar 麻醉学 Anaesthesiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
245 General Scholar 运动医学 Sports Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
246 General Scholar 康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
247 General Scholar 肿瘤学 Oncology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
248 General Scholar 耳鼻咽喉科学 Otorhinolaryngology (ear-nose-throat medicine) Chinese/English 1.0  23000
249 General Scholar 眼科学 Ophthalmology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
250 General Scholar 妇产科学 Gynaecology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
251 General Scholar 外科学 Surgery Chinese/English 1.0  23000
252 General Scholar 临床检验诊断学 Clinical Diagnostics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
253 General Scholar 影像医学与核医学 Medicine Image Science and Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
254 General Scholar 皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
255 General Scholar 精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Psychohygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
256 General Scholar 神经病学 Neurology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
257 General Scholar 老年医学 Geratology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
258 General Scholar 儿科学 Paediatrics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
259 General Scholar 内科学 Internal Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
260 General Scholar 口腔医学 Stomatology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
261 General Scholar 口腔临床医学 Clinical Stomatology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
262 General Scholar 口腔基础医学 Introductory Stomatology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
263 General Scholar 少儿卫生与妇幼保健学 Juvenile Hygienics and Maternal and Child Hygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
264 General Scholar 流行病学 Epidemiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
265 General Scholar 食品、药品安全与管理学 Food Drug Safety and Management Chinese/English 1.0  23000
266 General Scholar 健康与社会行为学 Health and Social Behavior Chinese/English 1.0  23000
267 General Scholar 营养与卫生学 Nutrition & Food Hygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000
268 General Scholar 营养学与食品卫生 Pharmacy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
269 General Scholar 公共卫生检验学 Public Health Laboratory Chinese/English 1.0  23000
270 General Scholar 公共卫生 Public Health Chinese/English 1.0  23000
271 General Scholar 人体解剖学 Anatomy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
272 General Scholar 基础药理学 Basic Pharmacology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
273 General Scholar 组织与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
274 General Scholar 病理解剖与病理生理学 Pathologic Anatomy and Pathophysiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
275 General Scholar 热带医学 Tropical Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
276 General Scholar 口腔修复学 Prosthodontics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
277 General Scholar 心血管病 Angiocardiopathy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
278 General Scholar 临床免疫学 Clinical Immunology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
279 General Scholar 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
280 General Scholar 内分泌与代谢病 Endocrinopathy & Metabolic Disease Chinese/English 1.0  23000
281 General Scholar 血液病 Hemopathy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
282 General Scholar 传染病 Infectious Disease Chinese/English 1.0  23000
283 General Scholar 医学检验学 Medical Laboratory Science Chinese/English 1.0  23000
284 General Scholar 核医学 Nuclear Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
285 General Scholar 整形 Orthopedic Surgery Chinese/English 1.0  23000
286 General Scholar 精神病学 Psychiatry Chinese/English 1.0  23000
287 General Scholar 放射治疗学 Radiotherapy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
288 General Scholar 生殖医学 Reproductive Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
289 General Scholar 呼吸系病 Respiratory Disease Chinese/English 1.0  23000
290 General Scholar 移植科学与工程学 Transplant Science and Engineering Chinese/English 1.0  23000
291 General Scholar 泌尿外科 Urinary Surgery Chinese/English 1.0  23000
292 General Scholar 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology & Pathophysiology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
293 General Scholar 病原生物学 Pathogenic Biology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
294 General Scholar 公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
295 General Scholar 护理 Nursing Chinese/English 1.0  23000
296 General Scholar 护理学 Nursing Chinese/English 1.0  23000
297 General Scholar 基础医学 Basic Medical Sciences Chinese/English 1.0  23000
298 General Scholar 劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health Chinese/English 1.0  23000
299 General Scholar 临床病理学 Clinical Pathology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
300 General Scholar 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
301 General Scholar 免疫学 Medical Immunology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
302 General Scholar 全科医学 General Medicine Chinese/English 1.0  23000
303 General Scholar 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy Histology & Embryology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
304 General Scholar 社会医学与卫生事业管理 Social Medicine and Health Service Management Chinese/English 1.0  23000
305 General Scholar 生药学 Pharmacognosy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
306 General Scholar 卫生毒理学 Health Toxicology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
307 General Scholar 药剂学 Pharmaceutics Chinese/English 1.0  23000
308 General Scholar 药理学 Pharmacology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
309 General Scholar 药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis Chinese/English 1.0  23000
310 General Scholar 药物化学 Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry Chinese/English 1.0  23000
311 General Scholar 药学 Pharmacy Chinese/English 1.0  23000
312 General Scholar 医学技术 Medical Technology Chinese/English 1.0  23000
313 General Scholar 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene Chinese/English 1.0  23000

appendix:Kunming Medical University 2021 Admission Programs for international students.xls

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