

In 2019, under the guidance of China Center for International People-to-People Exchange, Kunming Medical University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine jointly initiated the South and Southeast Asia Medical Education and Service Alliance. 

在联盟各成员单位的鼎力支持、关心和积极参与下,三年来,联盟规模不断壮大, 影响力不断提升,成员间的交流合作更加紧密,尤其在2020年新冠肺炎疫情发生后,联盟充分发扬风雨同舟、团结协作的美好精神,围绕疫情防控开展了一系列学术交流、技术培训和抗疫国际合作,为推动构建区域卫生健康共同体和促进区域医学教育和医疗卫生事业发展作出了积极贡献。联盟已发展成为推动中国与南亚东南亚国家在医学教育和医疗卫生领域交流合作的重要平台。

In the past three years, the Alliance has witnessed more membership, ever growing influence and even closer cooperation among member institutions. Especially since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the Alliance carried out a series of academic exchanges, technical training and international cooperation on pandemic containment in the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance, which has made a positive contribution to promoting the construction of regional health community and the development of regional medical education and health care. The Alliance has now developed into an important platform for promoting exchanges and cooperation between China and South and Southeast Asian countries in the fields of medical education and health care.


In 2022, we will hold the 2nd Conference of the Alliance. This conference is incorporated into China-South Asia Health Forum.

会上我们将共商联盟未来发展大计,共同围绕“挑战 机遇 创新 合作--高质量医学教育和医疗卫生体系构建”展开学术研讨,为区域医学教育和医疗卫生事业繁荣发展贡献智慧和力量。

At the conference, we will discuss the plan for future development of the Alliance and exchange views on theme of "Challenge, Opportunity, Innovation and Cooperation -- Building a Quality Medical Education and Healthcare System". 


Together, Let’s contribute wisdom and strength to prosperous development of regional medical education and health undertakings. We believe that this conference will play an important role in promoting the development of the Alliance and promoting exchanges and cooperation among its members.


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