Evaluation Framework of Comprehensive Quality for MBBS students of KMU

In order to promote the education and management of international students and to cultivate the students’ overall ability, this Evaluation Framework for Comprehensive Quality of MBBS students of Kunming Medical University is developed.

Article 1  Scope of application

This measurement is applicable to the MBBS students (English-medium) in Kunming Medical University.

Article 2  Frame of Evaluation

1. The comprehensive quality includes three aspects, including Morality, Knowledge, and Capability. The proportion of the above aspect is calculated as 15%, 75%, and 10%

2. Total comprehensive scores = (scores of morality ×15%) + (scores of knowledge ×75%) + (scores of capacity ×10%). For more details, please refer to Evaluation Index of Comprehensive Quality of MBBS Students.

3. Scoring method

scores of morality = basic scores + added points – deducted points

scores of knowledge = sum of scores of all subjects / number of subjects

scores of capacity = basic scores + added points

Article 3  Method of Evaluation

1.  The evaluation is carried out mainly by the scholarship evaluating committee. 

2.  Class coordinators shall be members of the evaluating group. The head of the evaluating committee shall be the head of Section of Students’ Affairs.

3.  Procedure of Evaluation

Batch-review: the coordinators of each batch will evaluate all students of his/her batch based on the marks, actual records and performance of each student, and formulate the evaluating sheets.

Committee -review: The results of the batch-review are subject to the verification of the evaluating committee.

The verified results will be reported to the International Education School by the head of the scholarship evaluating committee

After approval of the International Education School the results will be publicized. If there is no objection or complaints within 3 days’ publication, the results of scholarship will be finalized


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