Regulations on Class Attendance Check for International Students of KMU

This regulation is formulated with the goal of maintaining all the teaching and administrative affairs in order, adhering to the school disciplines, regulating school life and promoting academic study. The Regulations shall be interpreted and implemented by the International Education School of Kunming Medical University.

Article 1           The regulations are applicable to all the classes in the International Education School. All the students are subject to the attendance check.

Article 2           The attendance will be checked in the class periods.

Article 3           The attendance will be checked regularly by calling the roll, referring to the records of attendance, etc.

Article 4           The head teacher, along with other related staff, is responsible for checking the attendance.

Article 5           The attendance check will be arranged according to the timetable of the classes. The attendance will be monitored through random inspection by the head teacher or other related staff of the school.

Article 6           The results and feedbacks of the attendance check will be reported timely to the Section of International Students’ Service and the International Education School. The results and feedbacks will be recorded and achieved.

Article 7           For those who are absent from class without asking for leave, or being late for or leaving early from classes without proper reasons, certain disciplinary measures will be taken according to the Regulations on the Studentship Management.  Please be noted that the class attendance is closely related to the awarding of the scholarship.


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  • 联系电话:0871-65922555  联系邮编:650500
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