Instructions on Registration and Admission for International Students of KMU

I. International students have to bring with them to China the Original Passport , the Admission Notice, and arrive at the campus for registration according to the given schedule. Those who do not arrive on time will need to explain the reason for their lateness and to complete formalities to ask for leave of absence after the event. Students who have not registered two weeks after the commencement of the semester will be disqualified from enrollment. International students have to bring the following documents:

1        Kunming Medical University Admission Notice

2        JW202 form

3        Passport with X visa (original and a copy)

4        The Health Certificate (original)

5        Ten photos of the same size as in the passport.

II. After registered the new students should go to the Yunnan International Travel Health Center for the medical check up. Those who fail to meet the verification requirements will have to take another health examination for some or all of the items at the hospitals which KMU designated. . All the expenses occurred should be covered by himself/ herself. Registration will be denied to those whose state of health is not up to the requirements.

III. Students should pay all the fees in Yuan instead of foreign currencies within the precribed time after arrival. The payment of tuition fee, accommodation fee and insurance fee are the precondition for the visa processing. Under some special circumstances, students could apply for the school’s permission to delay the payment. After the chief leader of the school approved, however, the payment shall not be delayed more than two months after the registration date. All the fees should be paid off one-time after delay finished. Students who fail to pay the fees within the specified time will not be allowed to register and not allowed to apply for the Residence Permit.

IV. Students should undergo the required procedures to apply for a room in school dormitory. Students must observe all dormitory regulations.

V. Students should register in Kunming Medical University with X visa and apply for the Resident Permit for Foreigner Registration within 30 days after arrival in China.

VI. At the beginning of each semester, students are required to return to the university no later than the fixed time. They have to check in at the Section of International Students’ Affairs and go through registration formalities after pay off one year tuition fee within the precribed time. If they fail to return on time and not ask for permission in advance, they will be regarded as purposeful absence. If they delay registration for more than two weeks without proper reasons, they will be considered as voluntary withdrawal from the university.


  • 联系地址:昆明市呈贡区雨花街道春融西路1168号
  • 联系电话:0871-65922555  联系邮编:650500
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